Important Reminder: We will not call or text and ask you to login in to to verify a transaction. Nor will we ask for any unique, personal-identifying information such as your account number, social security number, user ID, password, etc.Receivables
Collect, process, and record customer payments with ease. As you receive electronic payments from businesses or cash payments from consumers, our convenient options can provide you with quick access to funds and the data required to effectively track payments. Flexible solutions will save your company time and energy while insuring your money is in your hands when you want it. Together, we can introduce procedures that will enhance internal processes.
Automate and expedite the collection of receivables electronically with Automated Clearing House (ACH) payments.
Vault services makes it easy for you to make secure deposits, order cash, keep employees safe, and reduce trips to the bank.
Manually processing incoming payments is tedious work, but our lockbox options can efficiently streamline the task.
Increase automation and improve efficiency in the revenue cycle for healthcare providers.
Receive payments faster and reduce costs for manual bill payment processing with our digital solutions for payment management.
Increase customer convenience and enhance the credibility of your payment processing environment by accepting a variety of payment types.